
Live Well @JCC – “Weight Management and Healthy Lifestyle Tips”

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. “Weight Management and Healthy Lifestyle Tips,” a free program, will be presented by Lauren Faiella, R.D., on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 10:30 a.m. Each program costs $45, which entitles individuals to participate in […]


Vegan gala

East Brunswick Jewish Center 511 Ryders Ln, East Brunswick, NJ

East Brunswick Hadassah will hold its annual membership gala on Thursday, Sept. 19, 6-9:30 p.m. at East Brunswick Jewish Center, featuring a vegan feast catered by Veggie Heaven of Teaneck and featuring keynote speaker Ruth Greenfield. The gala, open to the community, will include raffles, a Tricky Tray, goodie bags, photo booth, chair yoga, henna […]

$40 – $45

Hatha Yoga

Congregation Beth HaTikvah 36 Chatham Rd, Summit, NJ

Build strength and flexibility while developing inner calm in the midst of your busy, hurried life. Certified instructor Pamela Erens will lead six sessions for beginners and intermediate practitioners, adjusted for each individual's needs. Fee: $54 donation. Registration and yoga mat required.


Yoga Shabbat

Neve Shalom 250 Grove Ave, Metuchen, NJ

A Yoga Shabbat service will be held at Neve Shalom, Metuchen, on Saturday, Oct. 19, at 10:15 a.m. Bring a yoga mat or a towel; chair modifications will be available if needed. Participants will join the congregation for Musaf at 11:30. Contact Wendy Kushner at

An Afternoon of Yoga @ TBA

Temple B'nai Abraham 300 E Northfield Rd, Livingston, NJ

Join us for this unique opportunity to participate in a class led by Yoga instructor Jhon Velasco at TBA. Yogi Jhon leads many classes at the JCC MetroWest. His yoga classes are dynamic, spirited and with an empowering style that uses calculated vinyasa series of postures to create an experience for all senses, physical, emotional, […]

18th Annual CAI Israel Walkathon

Congregation Agudath Israel 20 Academy Road, Caldwell, NJ

Congregation Agudath Israel, Caldwell. Begins with 10 a.m. registration; 10:30 a.m.-noon, walk; followed by an Israeli-themed “kiddush.” Supervised activities will be available for young children.  To register, download a form at; cost is $18, including a T-shirt. Contact or 973-226-3600.



Opening the Heart and Mind Meditation Session

Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel 432 Scotland Rd, South Orange, NJ

Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, South Orange, today and Dec. 17, 2 p.m. Free; register at



Live Well @JCC – Zumba Gold

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. Zumba Gold, an aerobics program geared toward active older adults, is held on Tuesdays, Jan. 7-Feb. 25, at 9 a.m. Each program costs $45, which entitles individuals to participate in Live Well programs […]


Live Well @JCC – Chair Yoga

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. Chair Yoga will be held on Wednesdays, Jan. 8-Feb. 26 (no class Jan. 15) at noon. Each program costs $45, which entitles individuals to participate in Live Well programs through June 2020; free […]


Live Well @JCC – Beginners Israeli dancing

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. Beginners Israeli dancing will be held on Thursdays, Jan. 9-Feb. 13, at noon. Each program costs $45, which entitles individuals to participate in Live Well programs through June 2020; free for Community Campus […]


Live Well @JCC – Body Fit Strength

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. Body Fit Strength, a program to slow down the aging process and increase strength, bone and muscle density, balance, coordination, and flexibility, will continue on Thursdays, Jan. 16-Feb. 27, at 10 a.m. Each […]



Live Well @JCC – Tai Chi

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ

Live Well @ the JCC of Middlesex County in Edison is a health, fitness, and wellness program for the over-55 age group. Tai Chi, a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner, will be held on Mondays, Feb. 3, 10, and 24, at 9 a.m. Each program costs $45, which entitles individuals to […]


“Strengthening Bonds Through Yoga”

JFS Halpern Building 655 Westfield Ave, Elizabeth, NJ

Eight-week yoga program for girls 11+ and their mothers/female caregivers sponsored by Jewish Family Service of Central NJ, 6:30-8 p.m. at JFS Halpern Building, Elizabeth. Facilitated by Alyssa Reiner, who specializes in a strengths-based restorative yoga approach. RSVP to or call 908-352-8375.

March Fourth 5K and Family Fitness Day

Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School 110 S Orange Ave, Livingston, NJ

Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, Livingston, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Held in memory of Short Hills resident Joanna Dranikoff; proceeds from the event benefit the national Colorectal Cancer Alliance. Registration costs $35 adults; $25 children 13 and under; RSVP by Feb. 29 at

$25 – $35

Restorative Chair Yoga (Online)

Free Zoom program sponsored by Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey, 8-9 p.m., and led by yoga instructor Alyssa Reiner, LSW, RYT200. RSVP to to receive the Zoom link.