Flour Power…Community Challah Bake
YM-YWHA of Union County 501 Green Ln, Union, NJYM-YWHA of Union County, Union, 6:45-9:45 p.m. Cost is $18. RSVP to 908-289-8112 or seniordirector@uniony.org.
YM-YWHA of Union County, Union, 6:45-9:45 p.m. Cost is $18. RSVP to 908-289-8112 or seniordirector@uniony.org.
Chai Lights Hadassah will hold “Lunch in Morocco,” a vegetarian lunch with Moroccan music, at Casablanca restaurant in East Brunswick on Tuesday, Nov. 19, at 11 a.m. Cost is $37, $32 members/spouses. Call Ruth at 732-485-1812.
YM-YWHA of Union County, Union, 11:30 a.m. With entertainment by Tuvia. Cost is $9 ($6 members). RSVP to seniordirector@uniony.org or 908-289-8112.
On Wednesday, December 25, 2019 at 6:00 pm, the Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Werner Lecture Fund presents Dinner and a Movie. Enjoy a Kosher Chinese Dinner and the movie, The Sunshine Boys. The Sunshine Boys is about two feuding vaudeville comedians who are asked to reunite for a TV special. The cost is […]
Temple Beth Shalom, 8 p.m. Presentation of music across the decades featuring Cantors Sharon Knoller and Brian Kalver with special guests Adam & Howard. Cost is $25, includes dessert and soft beverages; BYOB (kosher). Contact 973-992-3600 or office@tbsnj.org or register at tbsnj.org/throwback.
Sponsored by B’nai B’rith Ketubah Unit (55+) and held at 11:30 a.m. at Snuffy’s Pantagis Renaissance, Scotch Plains. The cost is $19.95 plus tax and tip. Prospective members are welcome. RSVP to Elaine at 908-232-0062 by Jan. 6.
Cooking with Food Intolerance — Everyday Detox Promoting Good Gut Health with Fana Horenbein JCC of Central NJ, Scotch Plains, 7-9 p.m. Class addresses gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free cooking; not suitable for individuals with Celiac Disease or other severe medical conditions or allergies; nut/nut butters may be used. Cost is $45, $36 members. RSVP by […]
Circle of Single Jewish Friends, ages 50s+ will hold a meet-and-eat lunch on Sunday, Jan. 19, at noon at Jade Dynasty Chinese Restaurant, Edison. Cost is $3 plus price of meal off menu/tip. RSVP to Roberta at 908-668-8450 or roger678@optonline.net.
Circle of Single Jewish Friends, ages 50’s+, noon at Jade Dynasty Chinese Restaurant, Edison. Cost is $3 plus price of meal off menu/tip. RSVP to Roberta at 908-668-8450 or roger678@optonline.net.
Congregation Agudath Israel, Caldwell, 2:30 p.m. Featuring group trivia game and prizes and dessert buffet. Admission is $10. RSVP to singles@agudath.org or 973-226-3600, ext. 145.
YM-YWHA of Union County, Union, 11:30 a.m. Full-course meal with entertainment by Reginald Proctor. Cost is $9 ($6 Y members). RSVP to 908-289-8112, ext. 0 or 14.
LimmudFest 2020 -- February 14th - 17th at The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in Manhattan: Join participants of all ages and backgrounds for Limmud NY’s annual four-day, round-the-clock smorgasbord of Jewish learning and culture. Choose from over 200 sessions including text study, performance, lectures, panels, workshops, communal Shabbat program, Havdalah concert and more. Daily kids […]
The B’nai B’rith Ketubah Unit (55+) will be having lunch at Pine Tavern, Matawan, at 2 p.m. The price is the cost of one’s meal. Prospective member couples and singles are welcome to join the group. RSVP to Elaine at 908-232-0062 by Feb. 12.
Don't miss Sisterhood's annual afternoon of pampering -- for women only! Great entertainment, activities and delicious food (kosher/dairy). Bring extra cash for our vendors and more. And be sure to participate in our mitzvah project, making greeting and Purim cards for residents of Greenwood House nursing home. Cost for THZ Sisterhood members: $20 in advance, […]
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Mercer County offers a Kosher Café lunch program Tuesdays-Fridays at 11:30 a.m. at Adath Israel Congregation, Lawrenceville. RSVP to Debi Henritzy at debih@jfcsonline.org or 609-987-8100, ext. 236.