Scotch Plains shul wins award from HIAS

Temple Sholom in Scotch Plains received the Pathways Leadership award from HIAS — formerly called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society — for its work with refugees. The shul was among five in New Jersey and 50 in the United States to receive the award.
HIAS has given this award to congregations that have engaged in at least four categories of assistance to or advocacy for refugees.
The synagogue’s work with refugees has included ritual, volunteer, social, and educational components. Every year it participates in HIAS’s Refugee Shabbat initiative, where readings and sermons delivered by congregants describing the refugee experience are included in the Shabbat service.
Temple Sholom partners in the community with a local nonprofit organization, Refugee Assistance Partners of NJ. RAP does many things, including coat drives and collections. Temple Sholom has hosted social gatherings where RAP families and volunteers have mingled, shared halal food, and gotten to know each other on a personal level. Congregants have tutored refugees and engaged in self-learning about the refugee experience through on-line discussions.
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