“The Little-Known Story of Jewish Holocaust Money”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Presented by Hirschhorn speaker Bob Messing. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP with lunch order to Lois at 973-533-1809.
Screening of “Green Book”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809 with lunch order.
Camille Pissarro and the Dreyfus Affair
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. With Hirschhorn speaker and art lecturer Sheryl Urman Intrator. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809.
Celebrate Purim with Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJI am very excited to welcome Joanie Leeds and the NightLights, as our entertainment at our annual Purim Carnival on March 17. Joanie is a favorite performer of the under 10 set, and their older siblings, parents and grandparents are sure to enjoy her high energy style, her quirky lyrics and her fantastic band! The […]
Screening of “A Star is Born”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809 with lunch order.
Screening of “Ahead of Time: The Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809 with lunch order.
“Artificial Intelligence, Its Development and What May be Looming in the Future”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. With Hirschhorn speaker Dr. Mark Grebenau. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809.
Kaskeset Musical Shabbat – Jewish A Cappella Group of Binghamton University
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJKabbalat Shabbat Friday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m. A special Shabbat appropriate performance of Jewish, Israeli and popular American songs! Festive Oneg to Follow Shabbat Morning Saturday, January 12 Kaskeset will sing in the sanctuary and at Family Service in MPR and will join us for communal singing at the Kiddush!
Screening of “Crazy Rich Asians”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois with lunch order at 973-533-1809.
Screening of “Three Identical Strangers”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Film tells the true story of triplets separated at birth and adopted by three different families. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP with lunch order to Lois at 973-533-1809.
Chanukah Concert
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Performance with Cantor Lorna Wallach. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809 with lunch order.
Religion and State in Israel: Perspectives from an Israeli
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAmit Stern will talk about religious pluralism in Israel from an historical and political point of view, its effect on relations with the Jewish community in the US and his projections for the near future. He will also share his own story of being considered single in the eyes of Israel, even though he had […]
News & Jews-Let’s Hear YOUR Views
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Current events discussion with Hirschhorn speaker Deb Schapiro. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP with lunch order to Lois at 973-533-1809.
Screening of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJAdult Forum of Congregation B’nai Israel, Millburn, 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12, $10 Adult Forum members. RSVP to Lois at 973-533-1809 with lunch order.
Musical Shabbat with Pizmon
Congregation B'nai Israel 171 Ridge Rd, Rumson, NJPizmon, (the Jewish a cappella group from Columbia University, Barnard College and The Jewish Theological Seminary of America) is scheduled to appear at Congregation Bnai Israel for a musical Shabbat. Integrated into Friday evening worship at 7:30pm and Saturday Morning Shabbat services @ 9:00am, Pizmon will sing both during the services and immediately following them. […]