Cemetery visiting day

Cemetery visiting day

The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ holds its 35th annual Newark Cemetery Visiting Day on Sunday, September 24, from 9 a.m.to noon.

It is a tradition to visit the gravesites of loved ones during the High Holidays.

The federation, working with the Essex County sheriff and the police in Newark and East Orange, will provide security so that everyone can feel safe and comfortable visiting the following Newark’s historic Jewish cemeteries then.

The cemeteries are:

B’nai Abraham & Union Field — 532 South Orange Ave.; Grove Street & 20th Street — 308 Grove St.; Talmud Torah — directly across the street from 616 South Orange Ave.; and the McClellan Street Cemeteries — 150 Mt. Olivet Ave.

If you aren’t sure where a relative’s grave is, go to jewishgen.org and follow the link to JOWBR (JewishGen Online World Burial Registry). Note that you will be prompted to create a username and password. This service is free. For questions, email Mara Gellman at mgellman@jfedgmw.org. Register at JFedgmw.org/visiting-day.

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