Chanukah in Newark focuses on climate action

Chanukah in Newark focuses on climate action

On the last night of Chanukah, leaders and members from B’nai Keshet, the First Congregational Church, Union Congregational Church, New Jersey Together, and Greenfaith gathered outside PSE&G headquarters in Newark. They celebrated Chanukah by eating fossil fuel-free latkes, lighting a menorah made of resuable materials, and writing postcards to state legislators urging them to pass a strong clean energy bill, which was scheduled for a committee vote on December 18. This was one of 60 Chanukah celebrations around the country sponsored by the national Jewish climate group Dayenu calling on governors to take stronger climate action.

“Chanukah celebrates rededication and a miraculous victory over long odds,” Rabbi Elliott Tepperman of Bnai Keshet said. “We are facing dark times across so many dimensions right now. But the tiny lights of our small group are connected to movements that have the power to bring about a different and better future for all of us.”

“Tonight we acted as if we could hold a Chanukah street party in celebration of clean energy — and it worked!” Noémi Giszpenc, member of the Bnai Keshet Dayenu Circle, said. “When we imagine a fossil fuel-free future and work together, we will make our wishes a reality.”

Latkes were heated on an induction cooktop plugged into an electric car. The menorah was made from paper bags and rechargeable flashlights.

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