JFS delivers on Chanukah

JFS delivers on Chanukah

JFS MetroWest volunteer Barbara Davis of Randolph and her husband, Glenn, pick up their Chanukah deliveries.  (Courtesy JFS)
JFS MetroWest volunteer Barbara Davis of Randolph and her husband, Glenn, pick up their Chanukah deliveries. (Courtesy JFS)

Jewish Family Service of MetroWest NJ provides services to address the ongoing mental health needs of the community, as well as the needs that have arisen due to the war in Israel.  Recently, JFS provided professional training for clinicians on Attachment Based Family Therapy and celebrated the graduation of a class of Rachel Coalition’s 40-hour volunteer training participants.

JFS Maxine Myers Volunteer Services made Thanksgiving meal deliveries to more than 155 homebound older adults and Holocaust survivors. The volunteers delivered another 153 meals for Chanukah, with brisket, sides, dessert, challah, jelly donuts, candles, a dreidel, and gelt. During Café Europa, the socialization program for Holocaust survivors, JFS hosted a special Chanukah celebration.

To participate in JFS holiday happenings, you can send a JFS eCard or order Krispy Kreme doughnuts. JFS Chanukah and Holiday eCards are available to send to friends, family, colleagues, or teachers; the link is at www.jfsmetrowest.org/ecards. Doughnuts are for sale through Krispy Kreme’s Digital Dozen program.  Order a dozen (or more!) doughnuts and 50% of the proceeds will be donated to JFS. Call (973) 765-9050 to order.

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