Time to vote

Time to vote

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. That’s why, for decades, National Council of Jewish Women advocates have fought for the expansion of voting rights, advocating for women’s suffrage, the historic Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Help America Vote Act of 1992, and more.

In recent years, many states have made repeated attempts to curb voting rights with laws that make requirements for voting unnecessarily burdensome. Today, NCJW’s work to promote civic engagement takes the form of Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote to ensure that all eligible voters are able to vote and that every vote is counted.

As a president of NCJW/Essex, I would like to remind everyone to vote in the upcoming Nov. 4 general election. For details, visit njelections.org.

Deborah Legow Schatz
President, NCJW/Essex

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