Understanding gender identity

Understanding gender identity

Rabbi Nikki DeBlosi
Rabbi Nikki DeBlosi

Rabbi Nikki DeBlosi discusses “Adam, Eve & Making Room for Everybody,” on Tuesday, December 19. It’s for Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne’s Rabbi Israel S. Dresner Center for Collaborative Programs and Learning and the Gross Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies at Ramapo College of New Jersey. The program is also in partnership with Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, the Jewish Historical Society of North Jersey, Wayne’s public library, and the Wayne YMCA. The program will be available through livestream with registration.

Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m., and the discussion will follow at 7:15. The talk will center on the expansion of terms for gender and sexuality and will examine whether the Torah can help us to understand those terms and our identities in a new way. For information, go to www.templebethtikvahnj.org or call (973) 595-6565.

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