Wrong Run

Wrong Run

The article “Rabbi declares himself ‘the pro-Arab candidate’” (July 19) would be comical were it not for this question: How funny would it be if this were, say, a priest running for congressional office,  who declared himself a “pro-Arab” candidate? I, for one, would find it pretty disturbing. A further reading of the article revealed that Rabbi Shmuely Boteach was merely urging the United States to  come to the aid of Syria, hardly a breakthrough idea. For some reason, the government has been deferring to the UN and Kofi Annan, their master of ineffectuality, to affect the situation in Syria.  Now suddenly it appears Syria has this humongous cache of chemical weapons that poses an immediate threat to Israel. These Mideast quagmires mushroom into intolerable crises when our  government drags its feet. Iran comes to mind.

I cannot stress enough how important and precious the separation of church and state is to each of us Jews. Political ambitions do not sit well on the clergy — any clergy.

Sylvia Scheininger

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