A rabbi’s assistance
Thank you for the feature story “Historical society gets trove of Newarkana” (July 8) about the acquisition of the papers of Newark historian Nat Bodian by the Jewish Historical Society of MetroWest. The full story, however, must include the invaluable contribution of Rabbi Herman Savitz of West Caldwell. He deserves the credit for persuading Bodian’s son, Lester, to speak with me about donating his father’s papers to the JHS. Rabbi Savitz, who officiated at Bodian’s funeral, is an institution in his own right. He was the long-tenured rabbi of one-time Lake Hiawatha Jewish Center and currently serves as a chaplain with UJC MetroWest’s Joint Chaplaincy committee. This is by way of saying thank you to Rabbi Savitz for his interest in preserving our local Jewish history.
Linda Forgosh
Executive Director and Curator
Jewish Historical Society of MetroWest