No lazy summers for seniors

For some retirees, summers are more active than when they were working or carting kids to the beach. Those who belong to the active adults or seniors’ program at the JCC of Central New Jersey, or who link up with it for the summer, have a schedule of entertainment and outings that would leave younger folk gasping.
The program, based each year at Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, just along Martine Ave. from the JCC, kicked off on Tuesday. It runs on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays — and one Thursday — until Aug. 11, and includes day trips, concerts, lectures and discussions, exercise, and — for a budget-friendly fee — optional lunches.
“We’ve got a phenomenal lineup, and we welcome new people — for the whole program, or on an individual basis, for single events — whatever they choose,” said Barbara Weisbart, the JCC’s adult enrichment director.
Next week’s program starts on Monday with an insight into a very different Jewish experience: Lina Feld will discuss her childhood in Shanghai. The next day, on July 13, social worker Jen Klotzkin will lead the first of two sessions titled “Getting to Know Yourself;” her second one is on Aug. 10.
The first day trip will be next Thursday, July 15, to a minor league ball game between the Newark Bears and Bridgeport Bluefish. Game time is 6:30 p.m., and participants can have dinner at the stadium. Transportation is available but participants can also meet the group at the stadium.
For a fresh take on the contentious question of inheritance, participants can attend Teresa Luetjen-Keeler’s workshop on Monday, July 26, “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?”
The music and entertainment events, several of them sponsored by Care One of the Highlands, are all from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Wednesday, July 14, Jeff Dunstan promises to get everyone up on their feet with his Song and Dance, featuring music from the likes of Bobby Darin, Nat King Cole, and Electric Slide.
Full details on all programs, including times and costs, are listed in the new Senior & Active Adult summer 2010 brochure. To register for the whole summer or select specific programs, go to and click on Adult Enrichment/Active Adults, or contact Barbara Weisbart at 908-889-8800, ext. 207, or