Phyllis Jacobs

Phyllis Jacobs

Phyllis Jacobs of West Orange died Sept. 30, 2010. Born in Brooklyn, she resided in West Orange for the past 60 years.

Mrs. Jacobs was a working artist all through her life, displaying her oil paintings at galleries in Newark, Maplewood, and Montclair. A graduate of Pratt Institute, she went on to work as a fashion art director, and in the 1960s did graphic design for Berger International.

Predeceased by her husband, Joseph, she is survived by her son, Henry of New York City; her daughter, Judith Rich of Montclair; her twin sister, Ruth Greenberg of Los Angeles; and two grandchildren.

Services were held Oct. 3 with arrangements by J.L. Apter Memorial Chapels, Cedar Grove.

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