Run for Rachel: a decade raising funds, awareness

Run for Rachel: a decade raising funds, awareness

Run for Rachel 2010 cochairs, from left, Sheri Wolfson, Andrea Bier, and Lisa Lindauer
Run for Rachel 2010 cochairs, from left, Sheri Wolfson, Andrea Bier, and Lisa Lindauer

More than 100 volunteers and 523 runners — adults, teens, and children from across New Jersey — gathered in Livingston May 23 for the 10th annual Run for Rachel. Their goal: to increase awareness of domestic violence in local communities.

Participants in the 5K run and 3K walk raised more than $60,000; the proceeds support the program’s operating budget.

In the men’s category, Gary Rosenberg of Morristown won with a time of 16:22, second place went to Attila Sabahoglu of Lake Hiawatha, and John Hogan of Washington Township came in third. Among the women, Maria Danna of Morris Plains won with a time of 17:44, second place went to Jennifer Martin of Clifton, and Jen Found of Toms River came in third.

“This run educates people of both genders and of different ages and teaches them that domestic violence does happen in our community and that it crosses every socioeconomic barrier,” said cochair Andrea Bier.

Cochair Sheri Wolfson said the event truly makes an impact. “We are so lucky to have a team of committed volunteers, staff members, and friends who all help to make the Run for Rachel the success it has been for the past 10 years.”

The third cochair, Lisa Lindauer, said she was inspired by the Run committee members’ commitment to ending domestic violence and increasing knowledge of the issue. “I see the Rachel Coalition’s role in the MetroWest community as one that provides a multi-faceted response and serves the entire family: women, children, and men.”

Services provided by the Rachel Coalition on a nonsectarian basis include a 24-hour crisis response line (973-740-1233), a suburban emergency safe house (with kosher provisions), counseling, support groups, legal and medical assistance, outreach, and education programs.

Rachel Coalition partners are Jewish Family Service of MetroWest, National Council of Jewish Women: Essex County Section, NCJW: West Morris Section, Women’s Philanthropy of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest NJ, MetroWest Rabbinic Cabinet, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Hadassah: Northern New Jersey Region, Jewish Women International: North Atlantic Region, and JCC MetroWest.

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