A note to our readers and our community

A note to our readers and our community

As 2019 draws to a close, it is time to reflect on the year that is ending and look ahead to 2020.

Sadly, it has been another difficult year. Journalists are still being attacked and their work called into question, both here and around the world. Well-researched and carefully written reports are dismissed by some as fake news or simply ignored. Differences of opinion turn toxic instead of being respectfully aired and compared.

Of course, Jewish journalism is not immune to these forces and to the many market and financial changes that challenge media companies. In fact, as we at NJJN reflect on our commitment to serving the entire Jewish community, many obstacles stand in our way.

Independent, community-oriented Jewish journalism has never been needed more than now. Deadly attacks on Jews here and in Europe, political uncertainty in Washington and Jerusalem, and campaigns to delegitimize Israel require a trusted, credible voice to make sense of it all. However, we face a market in which readers — even those who value vital, unbiased, and incisive reporting — are less willing to pay for the news they consume.

And many doubt whether a cohesive and, potentially, unified, Jewish community can be achieved. As a result, NJJN’s mission to educate, enlighten, and unite is more important — and more challenged — than ever.

Every week on our pages and every day on njjewishnews.com, we provide quality journalism that strengthens our community. We provoke respectful conversation and build bridges. Our educational programs for young people, and our community forums about the major issues of the day, help extend these conversations to new audiences and venues.

As many of you know, the cost of creating a top quality, weekly newspaper, and an up-to-the-minute website has outstripped our traditional revenue sources. We face a weak advertising market at the same time as costs to write, print, and mail our paper go up. Full subscriptions are more and more difficult to secure as readers seek and often find free content. In the past year alone, we have all seen household- name media companies cut back drastically or go out of existence.

So, like many other publications, we must turn to you, our readers and our community, for support. It is a straightforward and urgent proposition: Contributions from readers like you are necessary to sustain our work and to enable us to continue serving you. Every contribution, big or small, means we can keep doing all it takes to bring you the journalism that you deserve.

And so we write to you today — regular subscribers, generous past supporters, and new readers — and ask you to help sustain our work by making a contribution to NJJN and our sister publication, The New York Jewish Week. Please consider these options for support:

  • To donate, visit us on the web at thejewishweek.com/donate.
  • Consider becoming a sponsor: We have a number of impressive sponsorship opportunities, allowing you to invest in specific subject areas, projects, and events that reflect your passions and align with our mission. If you are interested in these exciting new projects, please call Thea Wieseltier, director of strategic projects, at 212-921-7822, ext. 205, or email thea@jewishweek.org for more information. (These initiatives are fiscally sponsored by FJC, a 501(c) (3) public charity; as such all donations are deductible to the extent of the law.)
  • If you have not already done so, you can also subscribe and get 52 weeks of NJJN delivered to your home — for what we believe is the best weekly read in Jewish life. In fact, why not give gift subscriptions to friends and family?

Take action now by going online to make a donation or sending us a check to support NJJN. By doing so, you’ll ensure that this community continues to get great news, features, and opinions each week. You will also help ensure the future of Jewish journalism, and a united Jewish community.

With thanks and with hope for a peaceful and prosperous 2020,

Stuart Himmelfarb
Peter Wang
President Chair of the Board

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