Alan Dershowitz’s newsletter

Alan Dershowitz’s newsletter

This is from renowned lawyer and Jewish activist Alan Dershowitz’s newsletter. He is writing about the brokered release of hostages held in Gaza in return for the freedom of convicted murderers.

I think that this is an important message, so I am sharing it with our readers.

James Janoff

The Jewish Standard/New Jersey Jewish News

“The decision by the Israeli government to make significant concessions to the Hamas kidnappers should never be called a ‘deal.’ It was an extortion…. The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime.

So the proper description of what occurred is that Israel, pressured by the United States, capitulated to the unlawful and extortionate demands of Hamas — as the only way of saving the lives of kidnapped babies, mothers and other innocent, mostly civilian, hostages.

This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. The terrorists are not constrained by morality, law or truth. When a terrorist group ‘negotiates’ with a democracy, it always has the upper hand.

If every democratic nation adopted a policy of never negotiating with terrorists, it might discourage terrorism. But every nation submits to the demands of kidnappers and extortionists, so terrorism and hostage-taking have become a primary tactic of the worst people in the world. And the rest of us are complicit.

Especially complicit, with blood on their hands, are supporters of Hamas on university campuses who chant for intifada and revolution. Also complicit are international organizations, such as the International Criminal Court, that treat Israel and Hamas as equals.

Let us put the blame for ALL the deaths in Gaza where it belongs: on Hamas and the useful idiots and useless bigots who support murderous terrorists.”

Mr. Dershowitz’s newsletter is at

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