Anti-Semitism from the left

Anti-Semitism from the left

Thank you for Gabe Kahn’s excellent Garden State of Mind column “When volume of anti-Semitism is high, Jewish identification reduced to a whisper” (Oct. 25).

I fear though that the notion of Jews “fooling themselves” includes looking only to the extreme right for roots of anti-Semitism when we live in an age in which it is the left-leaning who are the roots of anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism. These are the folks who are teaching our children to hate Israel, to see Jews as the victimizers, to join the BDS movement, to pay dues to Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.

While all my Democratic voting friends support UNWRA, make fun of President Donald Trump, and worry that the Supreme Court will turn right, they are not supporting aid for Israel or students on college campuses who support Israel.

Look to the left, Mr. Kahn, and examine what you see.

Joan Baronberg

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