Bernard Schreibman

Bernard Schreibman

Bernard Schreibman, 89, of Tinton Falls died May 26, 2012. Born in Washington, DC, he was raised in Brooklyn and lived in Eatontown for 55 years before moving to Tinton Falls six years ago.

Mr. Schreibman was a logistics management specialist at Fort Monmouth for 30 years before retiring in 1983. He was also a part-time teacher for the Monmouth County Vocational Schools for 10 years, and was a partner in Seaside Amusement Company, Seaside Heights.

He was a World War II Army veteran who served in the China Burma India Theatre.

He was a member of many fraternal organizations, including VFW Oakhurst #2226, JWV Jersey Shore Post 125, Caesarea Lodge F&AM #64, and NARFE, and was a past chaplain of the American Legion Post #325. He was a ham radio operator, W2QFQ, for over 70 years. He was a member of the Garden State Amateur Radio Association, Jersey Shore Chaverim, and QCWA. He was a member of the Police Reserves and served as communications coordinator in Eatontown for emergency management.

He was a member of Congregation Torat El, Oakhurst, and more recently was an active member of Tinton Falls’ Seabrook Jewish Community.

Predeceased by his wife, Grace, in 2007, he is survived by his son, Steven of Ocean; two daughters, Marion Schaal of Staten Island and Linda Cahill of Durham, NC; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Services were held May 30 with arrangements by Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish Chapels, Ocean. Memorial contributions may be made to JWV Post 125 or the Seabrook Jewish Community.

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