Bernice Nimar
Bernice “Bunny” Nimar (Chornock) of Monroe Township died May 24, 2012. She was born in Brooklyn and later moved to Montclair.
Mrs. Nimar worked with refugees from 22 countries, including Russia, Poland, and Serbia.
She graduated from Brooklyn College and New York University.
Predeceased by her husbands Harvey Nimar in 1983 and Morton Antelman in 1989, she is survived by her husband, Leonard Weinstein; two sons, Joel and Robert; three stepchildren, Mark Snyder, Paul Weinstein, and Randi De Brito; a brother, Irwin Chornock; two grandchildren; and four step-grandchildren.
Services were held May 29 with arrangements by Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish Chapels, Manalapan.
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