Bruce Gittlin

Bruce Gittlin

Bruce D. Gittlin of Livingston and Boca Raton, Fla., died Aug. 12, 2015. 

Mr. Gittlin was a businessman associated with Gittlin Companies, Inc., of New York and Florida. 

He was an active member of Temple B’nai Abraham, Livingston.

He is survived by his wife, Ethel; his daughter, Gail (Gary) Rosen; his son, Adam; two sisters, Carol Franklin and Regina Gross; a brother, Robert; and four grandchildren. 

Services were held Aug. 14 with arrangements by Bernheim-Apter-Kreitzman Suburban Funeral Chapel, Livingston. Memorial contributions may be made to the Bruce D. Gittlin Memorial Fund at Temple B’nai Abraham.

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