Chanukah in Livingston

Chanukah in Livingston

Drones in the sky overhead showed images including a menorah and the Friendship Circle logo.
Drones in the sky overhead showed images including a menorah and the Friendship Circle logo.

Amid recent reports of unidentified drones in New Jersey skies, the Friendship Circle and Chabad at Short Hills used drone technology to create a holiday celebration on December 25, the first night of Chanukah. More than 2,200 watched the light show that illuminated the skies above LifeTown in Livingston, using 150 drones displaying Chanukah-themed designs in the sky. It was produced by Lightyear Drone, a Florida-based company specializing in drone light displays.

Small parachutes dropped gelt.

“It is so important to find creative ways to excite the children about their heritage,” Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, the CEO of Friendship Circle and LifeTown said. “The rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, always encouraged the use of technology as a tool to engage and inspire.”

The evening included a traditional lighting ceremony using a giant menorah created by a local artist, Yitzchok Moully. There was also a fire-juggling show, a Chanukah gelt drop, latkes, and jelly donuts.

“This is a celebration of light and hope that goes beyond tradition,” Rabbi Mendel Solomon of Chabad at Short Hills said. “Especially with everything going on this year, we wanted to create something that brings people together from all walks of life to celebrate Chanukah’s universal message.”

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