CommUNITY Mitzvah Day Plus — service and learning

CommUNITY Mitzvah Day Plus — service and learning

The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ invites community members to join CommUNITY Mitzvah Day Plus on Sunday, April 7 — the six-month anniversary of October 7 — a day of hands-on service experiences and Jewish learning opportunities throughout the area. This event puts the Jewish values of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedakah (charitable giving) into action to make a real impact on the lives of others.

On Mitzvah Day, “the entire community can find a way to volunteer and make a difference in a meaningful way — and there is literally something for everyone,” said Elana Wilf Tanzman, chair of the federation’s Center for Volunteerism. “The Plus is that this year, in honor of federation’s centennial celebration and in light of the trying times we’re facing in the aftermath of October 7, we’re also offering a learning component for both teens and adults — because learning is a mitzvah too.”

Among the learning sessions being offered: Wonderland & Battleground: Exploring the Dissonance in Israel, with Jonathan Kessler; Learning Opportunity for Teens: Being a Jewish Teen in 2024…Now What?; Understanding and Responding to Anti-Jewish Ideas with Project Shema.

All Mitzvah Day programming will take place on April 7 at locations across the Greater MetroWest region. Activities for volunteers of all ages, both in-person and at-home, are available. Space is limited for most in-person projects; registration is required for all projects.

Mitzvah Day Plus sponsors are Daniel Rocker and Joshua Rocker and families, in honor of their parents, Marian and David Rocker. Centennial Diamond Sponsors are the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ; Sally Gottesman in honor of her parents, Paula and Jerry (z”l) Gottesman; the Mandelbaum and Goldberg Family; the UJA Benefit Concert Supporting Foundation of JCF; and the Wilf Family Foundations.

The Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, now celebrating its centennial year, serves the Jewish community in Essex, Morris, Sussex, and Union counties and parts of Somerset County.

Go to to learn more and to register. Email for more information.

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