Israel connections
I was very pleased to read in your July 19 issue of NJJN three items that described the experience of Ms. Schneider who “spent two months volunteering through Hadassah’s WIN (Winter in Netanya) program”; the meeting of the Hadassah-sponsored Chug Ivrit (Hebrew Club); and the upcoming Raritan Valley Chapter of Hadassah cooking demo event for new and potential members at the home of cookbook author Sharon Starr Heyden in Highland Park. This serves to emphasize to all NJJN readers that Hadassah is a good part of Jewish living around here and has an Israel connection.
I recently returned from the National Business Meeting of Hadassah where I learned that construction of the Sara Wetson Davidson Hospital Tower has continued uninterrupted in Jerusalem. This is a building with five underground floors containing operating rooms and hospital beds to withstand whatever might happen on the surface. For 14 floors above, each hospital room is to be outfitted with connections so the latest equipment can be brought to the patient instead of wheeling the patient to the equipment.
We can all connect to Israel by buying a piece of that equipment, or by becoming a Life Member (or Associate if male) for only $100 during 2011, Hadassah’s 100th anniversary year, and/or being active in any of Hadassah’s varied activities.
For more information about the new tower, contact Ellen Lacy, Hadassah-Southern NJ Region Tower chair, at 732-821-6810.
Leah Silver
Highland Park