Laura Schuyler
Laura Schuyler of Springfield died Jan. 25, 2013. Born in Boston, she lived in Queens and Hewlett Harbor, NY, for 40 years before moving to Springfield in 1990.
Mrs. Schuyler served as a docent for the Newark Museum and the Metropolitan Museum in New York City for many years. She also volunteered at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn and at the Springfield Public Library.
She held a bachelor’s degree from Simmons College, Boston.
She was a life member of Hadassah and the Hazak group of Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael, both in Springfield.
Predeceased by her husband, Bernard, she is survived by two sons, Henry BenZion Schuyler of Albuquerque, NM, and Andrew (Jacqueline) Schuyler of Springfield; two sisters, Shirley Zaval of Boston and Joyce Freedlander of Florida; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Services were held Jan. 28 with arrangements by Ross’ Shalom Chapels, Springfield.