

Zelophecad’s daughters do have names

Ari Berman’s article, “It’s time to take that hill — the Torah’s playbook for post-Oct 7,” included a discussion about the daughters of Zelophechad. He wrote that their “individual names are not recorded in the Torah.” Not only are their names recorded, they are listed three times (Numbers 26:33, 27:1 and 36:11) Let’s celebrate these righteous women by name: Machla, Noa, Chogla, Milka, and Tirtza.

Leah Popper

Why I’m voting for Trump

Some of last weeks’ letters regarding Trump were truly bizarre. People throw around words like liar, immoral, corrupt, incompetent.

So let’s try and understand the difference between a lie and an exaggeration. When Trump says a hundred thousand people attended his rally but in fact only fifty thousand showed up, that’s an exaggeration not a lie. Ok, Trump tends to exaggerate. But when Biden and Harris say no service members died on their watch, that’s a lie. Do the thirteen young marines in Afghanistan not count? Or when Biden says the economy is better than ever, well that’s a lie and most of us know it.

Now immoral. When you say you won’t take the vaccine because you don’t trust it and two months later fire people for not taking that very same vaccine, that’s immoral. Filling school libraries with pornographic material is immoral. Threatening parents with arrest if they don’t consent to the sexual mutilation of their pre-teen child is immoral.

When it comes to incompetence the Democrats take the cake. The horrible Afghanistan withdrawal , The baby formula incident. I mean how do you shut down a plant that accounts for 50% of US formula production without bringing in new sources of supply! The slow response to the Maui fire disaster, the East Palestine train derailment, and now Hurricane Helene.

Trump’s critics love to say he botched the Covid-19 response. Sorry that’s just not so. When Trump shut the Seattle hub to travelers from Asia, Schummer called him a tyrant and Pelosi went dancing in San Francisco’s chinatown. That bold move saved lives and bought valuable time. Ventilators and supplies were produced at record speed. And the vaccine which normally takes years to produce was developed in just months! His critics complained bitterly that shutting the country down (as per Fouchi) was an overreaction and then weeks later complained when Trump said it was time to slowly go back to work!

Donald Trump is a self made man just like Reagan and Bush Sr. and Jr.  Yes, he inherited a small fortune but many people squander their inheritance. Trump was able to turn it into something bigger and better. Biden grew rich off you and me, and the Clintons  and Obamas entered the White House broke and walked out multi-millionaires.

Donald Trump is as much a politician as he is a businessman. He’s as much an entertainer as he is a politician.  He is a people pleaser.  When people stand in line for hours to attend his rallies they won’t just get a seven minute speech, they’ll get a whole show!

One more thing. For me the true test of a person’s character is his family and the love he has for his children, in-laws and grandchildren. You can clearly see he is a loving and hands-on father and grandfather. That can’t be faked.

For this former Democrat the choice this year is crystal clear.  Trump and Vance all the way.

Sam Rappaport

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is not our practice to edit letters, much less fact-check or correct them. We do not allow ad hominem insults, but we do not fix errors; at times we know that letter-writers are repeating lies but we want our readers to learn about the debates within the community.

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