Mendham Jews dedicate Torah on October 7 

Mendham Jews dedicate Torah on October 7 

Dr. David Goldenberg carries a Torah scroll next to Rabbi Ari Herson.
Dr. David Goldenberg carries a Torah scroll next to Rabbi Ari Herson.

On October 7, Rabbi Ari Herson, director of Chabad of Mendham and Chester, led a Torah dedication ceremony at Brookside Community Club with a memorial service led by Cantor Shmuli Hurwitz of Crown Heights, music, and traditional dancing, in memory of Israel’s October 7 terror victims. A procession with the Torah followed the service.

Rabbi Herson, his wife, Sarah, and their son Shmuel watch as a scribe writes letters in the memorial Torah.

Dr. David Goldenberg donated the scroll in memory of the 1,200 victims of the October 7 massacre and in memory of his son Marc, who died at 16. The Torah writing began with sofrim in Israel, who write letters with several families who lost loved ones on October 7. The families were honored by inscribing a letter in this Torah to be used in Mendham, in memory of their loved ones. For more information, go to

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