Metro-Jersey NCJW installs officers

Metro-Jersey NCJW installs officers

Section members who were honored include, from left, Linda Rifkin, Laurie Marcus, Joellen Bard, Elaine Kaufman, Debra Biderman, Joan Shkedi, Dottie Krugman, Phyllis Rubin, and Roberta Karstadt. (Courtesy NCJW)
Section members who were honored include, from left, Linda Rifkin, Laurie Marcus, Joellen Bard, Elaine Kaufman, Debra Biderman, Joan Shkedi, Dottie Krugman, Phyllis Rubin, and Roberta Karstadt. (Courtesy NCJW)

Last month, the Metro-Jersey section of the National Council of Jewish Women held its 51st installation of officers at the Metuchen Inn. Elaine Kaufman installed the officers.

Debra Biderman, the section’s president, and several other members were given program volunteer awards for their dedication and service to improving the quality of life for women, children, and families in the local communities.

The slate includes financial membership secretary Linda Rifkin, treasurer Laurie Marcus, membership vice president Joan Shkedi, corresponding secretary Dottie Krugman, recording secretary Roberta Karstadt, chapter director Phyllis Rubin, and Ms. Biderman.

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