Montclair Center’s art walk is April 11

Montclair Center’s art walk is April 11

Local artists Chris “Cent” Reyes, Christian, and HiCoup will paint murals in various places in downtown Montclair on Thursday, April 11, from 4 to 9 p.m., for Montclair Center’s annual Art Walk.

When the murals are finished, they will be auctioned off, and 50% of the sale proceeds will go to the charitable organization of the artists’ choice. This offers buyers a unique opportunity to support local art and causes.

Crane Park at Lackawanna Plaza will be transformed into a family zone with many art activities curated by the Montclair Art Museum and other local businesses, ensuring a fun-filled and engaging experience for everyone.

Additional activities include Spark Talks: inspiring talks by local artists and entrepreneurs about process, creation, and craft and how that intersects with community.

With more than 60 businesses participating, downtown Montclair will transform into a pop-up exhibition. QR codes will take attendees to a digital map where they can find the artist’s bio and locations. Checking Montclair Center’s social media for updates.

For more information, go to

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