Montclair Center’s art walk is April 11
Local artists Chris “Cent” Reyes, Christian, and HiCoup will paint murals in various places in downtown Montclair on Thursday, April 11, from 4 to 9 p.m., for Montclair Center’s annual Art Walk.
When the murals are finished, they will be auctioned off, and 50% of the sale proceeds will go to the charitable organization of the artists’ choice. This offers buyers a unique opportunity to support local art and causes.
Crane Park at Lackawanna Plaza will be transformed into a family zone with many art activities curated by the Montclair Art Museum and other local businesses, ensuring a fun-filled and engaging experience for everyone.
Additional activities include Spark Talks: inspiring talks by local artists and entrepreneurs about process, creation, and craft and how that intersects with community.
With more than 60 businesses participating, downtown Montclair will transform into a pop-up exhibition. QR codes will take attendees to a digital map where they can find the artist’s bio and locations. Checking Montclair Center’s social media for updates.
For more information, go to