‘Philanthropy, leadership, and engagement’
“FOR NED, it’s deeply personal. He is dedicated to ensuring that Conservative Judaism remains vibrant for his grandchildren. He is a keen strategic thinker who is not afraid of making difficult decisions,” said Rabbi Steven Wernick, the former CEO of USCJ who is now senior rabbi of Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto (who, while he worked at USCJ in Manhattan, was a co-congregant of Gladstein at CAI).
“He is also a very humble person. Authentic. He’s a grocer at heart. Grocers are constantly on the floor interacting with customers. That what makes him so strong. He really builds relationships and those relationships are real in both his professional and philanthropic life.
“I wish Jewish leadership had 100 more Ned Gladsteins.”
Rabbi Alan Silverstein, CAI’s senior rabbi, concurs. “I have had the privilege of being Ned’s family rabbi for the past 40 years, including two years during which Ned served as synagogue president. The Gladsteins are CAI’s only five-generation family and are pillars of our shul in terms of philanthropy, leadership, and engagement.”
“I have been blessed to work with Ned on behalf of the Masorti movement in Israel, the Masorti movement in Latin America and Europe, the Gladstein rabbinic fellows program at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and in the USCJ,” Silverstein continued. “Ned brings energy, passion, focus, and business savvy to each leadership role that he assumes. I am confident that he will bring blessings to USCJ and to all parts of the Conservative-Masorti movements.”