Respect DNRs

Respect DNRs

Robert Wiener’s “Euthanasia, organ sales, and genetics on agenda at Jewish legal forum” (Oct. 5) was a great shake-up, but one small issue was not addressed: DNRs, or do not resuscitate orders.

These are now well respected by the medical world but there’s a loophole. EMTs and doctors can and do provide intubation, thus keeping patients alive who might otherwise die. I think this is wrong. If a person has gone to the effort of “protecting” him/herself with a DNR, why can or should this be overwritten by someone else’s moral, religious, or legal beliefs?

While the concept of “Do Not Intubate” is known, there is no legal requirement, notice, or guidance at this time in New Jersey as far as I know.

Herb Skovronek
Morris Plains

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