Sharim v’Sharot holds auditions

Sharim v’Sharot holds auditions

DR. ELAYNE ROBINSON GROSSMAN, music director of Sharim v’Sharot, will hold auditions for all voice parts during September. The choir performs throughout Central New Jersey and the Delaware Valley with its expansive repertoire of Jewish music of many eras, styles, and languages.  

The theme for the year-end concert on June 3, 2018, is “Chai–To Life!” Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from September through June in Ewing. The choir will perform on March 21 at Verizon Hall in the Kimmel Center for the Leonard Bernstein centennial celebration. Other concerts will take place in synagogues, concert halls, museums, and community centers.  

Schedule an audition with the music director by emailing Visit   

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