Sharsheret Pink Day

Sharsheret Pink Day

On February 14, thousands of people worldwide will unite for Sharsheret Pink Day, to raise awareness about breast cancer and ovarian cancer and help save lives through education.

Through education, adults and students are empowered to educate others on ways to safeguard their health in an effort to save lives. Sharsheret offers many vital programs and services in person and on social media.

Sharsheret, Hebrew for chain, is the only national organization supporting Jewish women and families, of all backgrounds, facing breast and ovarian cancer — both people who have been diagnosed and those at high risk. Sharsheret is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.

Register to bring Pink Day to your school, organization, or company. For information and program ideas for Pink Day, go to

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