Shoa educators
I was invited to speak on May 29 at After the Holocaust: The Courage to Rebuild, a program for educators at College of Saint Elizabeth in Morristown. I told the teachers about my personal experiences as a child during the Holocaust, and also about how we who had been children and youths had the resilience to build new lives after the war.
I wrote to Dr. Harriet Sepinwall, codirector of the college’s Holocaust Education Resource Center: My experience speaking to the teachers at your program was truly one of the most rewarding, positive experiences I have had in all the years that I have been speaking about the Holocaust.
The teachers were all so intensely interested; they asked in-depth questions and engaged in personal conversations after my talk. I also thought the other speakers presented very worthwhile information. I credit your program for enhancing Holocaust education.
Stefanie Seltzer
World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust