Teens manic for mitzvot
FIFTY-SEVEN TEENS participated in JTEEN-GMW’s “Summer Mitzvah Mania 2016,” which offered 10 different service projects, including partnerships with Temple B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills and the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ’s Center for Volunteerism. Every project included a Jewish learning component; two were run by alumni of the JTEEN-GMW Justice League, students who engaged in a year-long term of service devoted to social justice through Judaism. The 17 teens who took part in three or more service events were designated “Mitzvah Maniacs.”
Projects included packing “Shabbat in a Box” for Friendship Circle, which supports families with special needs; serving a barbecue to residents at Daughters of Israel senior facility in West Orange; packing lunches through Bridges Outreach in Summit for individuals who have experienced homelessness; doing restoration work at the South Mountain Conservancy; “Buddying It Up” with adults at Cerebral Palsy of NJ; gardening at Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit; teaming up with seniors and adults at Westfield Senior Citizen Housing to prepare donated kosher lunches; gardening at Jewish Family Service of Central NJ’s Urban Community Garden in Elizabeth; performing domestic violence prevention training and support with the Rachel Coalition’s “In Her Shoes” program; and creating “Feelie Hearts” with National Council of Jewish Women, Essex County Section.
JTEEN-GMW — the Jewish Teen Education Experiences Network of Greater MetroWest — is an initiative of the federation.
Contact Michael Strom at MStrom@JFedGMW.org for more information.