Warm hats for the needy

Warm hats for the needy

Kathleen Fernandez, JFSCNJ food pantry coordinator, left, with Courtney Pantirer. (JFSCNJ)
Kathleen Fernandez, JFSCNJ food pantry coordinator, left, with Courtney Pantirer. (JFSCNJ)

Courtney Pantirer of Short Hills, who volunteers for Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, brought a collection of winter hats to Jewish Family Service of Central NJ’s Food Pantry for its clients.  Many of the hats (both handmade and bought) were donated through “Mitzvah of the Moment” and various JFGMNJ volunteer programs.

Jamie Carus, who manages the Center for Volunteerism at JFGMNJ, made the connections with Federation volunteers who went above and beyond to provide JFSCNJ clients with many needed items in addition to food.

For volunteer activities, call Danielle McLeer at (908) 352-8375 or email her at dmcleer@jfscentralnj.org.
