Weekend of Jewish pride

Weekend of Jewish pride

CTeens at the international Shabbaton.
CTeens at the international Shabbaton.

THIRTY TEENS from CTeen of Monmouth County (an affiliate of Chabad of Western Monmouth County) joined more than 2,000 teens from around the world for a weekend of Jewish pride and celebration the weekend of Feb. 22-24.

The Shabbaton featured inspiring speakers, a traditional Shabbat observance in Crown Heights, and a Yaakov Shwekey concert in Times Square. “IMatter” was the weekend theme and the message was that every teen has a purpose and part in making the world complete.

“Our intrinsic worth is not based on achievements,” said Rabbi Chaim Ozer Metal of Chabad of Summerlin, Nev. “Every individual can connect to God, no matter the circumstances. It is because of this connection that every individual, in any situation, can make a significant difference. That is what CTeen is all about.”

CTeen has 500 chapters in 23 countries. For information about CTeen of Monmouth County, contact Rabbi Shmuly Volovik at 732-972-3687 or Rabbishmuly@chabadwmc.org

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