Youngsters’ advocacy

Youngsters’ advocacy

These are such moving and compassionate letters (“Jewish students pleaded with Christie to end ‘torture’ in prisons, Dec. 8).

It is good to see people expressing their faith by advocating for others. I hope these young people will please know that despite the failure of this bill to be signed, this is a very hopeful time. They should not assume that their words and voices do not matter. Often progress on very serious issues can be slow, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. We all need to keep working and trying, with patience and in a respectful way.

While I am not Jewish, I have tremendous respect and appreciation for Judaism…. No matter what our faith (or if we have no faith at all), serving others and empowering the vulnerable can be a way of expressing our faith.

One idea from Judaism that I love is a quote by Rabbi Yehuda Nisiah: “The moral universe rests upon the breath of schoolchildren.” No matter what someone’s age, their way of seeing the world and their moral values matter. 

Reading the students’ letters gave me so much hope for our collective future. These young people have such good hearts and I know they will do so many amazing things, no matter where their paths take them. 

I would encourage them to continue to sincerely and respectfully advocate for others…. These letters are a perfect example of respectful and sincere advocacy.

To these young people: Continue to do what you can to make a difference. Listen to your own hearts and inner wisdom. The world needs you. You are all so very wonderful. Please keep being your authentic and special selves. You will do so many great things!

Zoe Wyse
Via online

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