A weak argument
I am writing in response to a letter written by Dr. Sanford Aronoff in the Jan. 13 issue (“Sacred texts”). In his letter, the writer posits that America was founded based on Jewish ideals as expressed in the Hebrew Bible. This statement actually caused me to laugh out loud.
As a student of history, I can agree when the writer states that America was not founded as a Christian nation, but neither was it founded on Jewish ideals. The founders were primarily secular humanists who were not interested in religion and were certainly not looking to the Torah for answers.
Never have I heard that a Jewish ideal is a weak central government as evidenced by the Exodus from Egypt. I understand the obvious conservative leanings of the writer, but to base his statements on such ludicrous non-facts is really frightening if people out there believe this. I would suggest that people read some history books on the beliefs of the founding fathers and the establishment of this country.
People cannot just say anything they please to justify a political viewpoint.
Vera Stillman