A wonderful gift

A wonderful gift

Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael participated this year, as in past years, in Celebrating Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month.

We celebrated Shabbat Shalem at our synagogue on Feb. 2 with a d’var Torah by Rabbi Nesson and a Torah study discussion group following services.

With the caring assistance of Rebecca Wanatick, community coordinator for MetroWest ABLE, our congregation displayed artwork provided by JSDD’s WAE Center for the entire month. The center provides the opportunity for people with disabilities to find the spark within — offering programs in writing, poetry, painting, film, music, and more. The artwork was viewed by all who came into our building throughout February. Our students in the religious school and early childhood center toured the exhibit a few times and marveled at the art and the stories of the artists who produced them.

During Purim, we had the special treat to use the Interactive PowerPoint of the Megillat Esther provided to us by Rebecca and MetroWest ABLE. The Haman interactive graphics and sounds were really special and a big hit with children of all ages. Many in attendance commented that for them it was the first time that they were able to follow along line by line with the chanting of the megilla. It made for a special Purim at MJCBY.

Rabbi Nesson told Rebecca, “It really is a wonderful gift that you have given to our congregation and I know we will now incorporate it into classrooms next year as well.”

Yasher Koah for all that Rebecca and MetroWest ABLE do throughout the year to support the community and bring awareness to both the needs of those with disabilities and to celebrate their accomplishments.

Rabbi David Nesson

Eric Weinstock

Gerry Gross
Executive Director

Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrae

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