Absurd gesture
My last stop before arriving at Ben-Gurion Airport on Oct. 28 was to join the massive rally at Ofer prison protesting the release of 26 more Arab terrorists. Speaker after speaker talked about the brutal murder or maiming of a loved one, of innocent children, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives. Another 52 prisoners are to be released in the near future. All of this simply toget the Arabs to get to the table to negotiate.
And what gestures are the Arabs making? Continued calls for the destruction of Israel. Continued preaching of hatred, particularly tochildren. Continued glorification of martyrdom. The reality of the situation is revealed by the Palestinian emblems showing all of Israel as the future state of “Palestine.” The only result of this absurd, insane ‘gesture’ is the justification of more terror against Jews. Why wouldn’t a jihadist be encouraged to commit more terrorist acts? What would he or she be risking if he knows that even if he is captured, he will eventually be released from prison as a “gesture for peace”?
One can only wonder what horrific, useless pressure Kerry has forced upon Bibi to proceed with this mind-boggling absurdity. There is no “peace partner.” God forbid a Palestinian state will become a reality; we know that it will simply be another Arab terrorist state dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
Charlie Bernhaut
New York, NY