Breaking ‘conflict gridlock’ to create peace
“Searching for Answers and Wisdom in a Post-9/11 World” will be held Thursday, Sept. 8, 8:15-9:30 p.m. at the 92nd Street Y in New York City.
Bringing together leading thinkers from religion, science, arts, education, and business, the seminar is being convened by Ralph Singh, chair of the Wisdom Thinkers Network, a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to connecting the world through shared wisdom.
The program will address such questions as: In a post-9/11 era, how can we use our traditions to create a more secure world? And How can we use our collective insights to stop the conflicts and create harmony? It will probe how religious traditions can contribute to a fundamental sense of citizenship and public decency, which was so violated on 9/11.
Moderated by Emmy Award-winner and New York University Law School professor Arthur R. Miller, panelists will include Rabbi Irwin Kula and Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, copresidents of Clal-The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership; Professor R. Gustav Niebuhr, director of the Religion and Society Program at Syracuse University and former New York Times correspondent; Dr. Noor Gillani, a retired principal research scientist at the National Space Science and Technology Center; Dr. Stuart A. Kaufman, a biologist and MacArthur Prize winner; Asma T. Uddin, founder and editor-in-chief of; and Diane Schenandoah, a renowned Native American artist.
“Ten years after 9/11 is an invitation to think about where we are and what are the real challenges,” said Kula. “This program attempts to begin the process of weaving together new narratives of who we are as Americans and as human beings in the 21st century.”
“Global problems need global perspectives,” said Hirschfield. “This program is about shaping the future: What kind of society do we want to build? How can we nurture our children to become more active citizens? We need to move from a defensive posture to a proactive one to create a world that inspires hope.”
“Stories have the power to change the world,” said Singh. “so we’ve tied the event to the 10th anniversary to say it’s urgent to change the dominant narrative from conflict to peace. Sharing our sacred and secular wisdom provides a simple step.”
The cost is $29. For more information, a complete list of panelists and their bios, and to order tickets, visit