Excellent editorial

Excellent editorial

I have been openly critical of NJJN in the past; however, I will freely admit when I agree with something the paper has to say. The City University of New York (CUNY) invited Linda Sarsour, an openly pro-Palestinian, pro-BDS advocate, to speak at a commencement ceremony. The Wall Street Journal wrote about this decision on April 27. While not in our local federation area, New York City is certainly close enough to be considered local news. Furthermore, our federations and NJJN comment freely about anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activities all over America and the world, as they should. 

In connection with this event, NJJN published an excellent editorial about the activities of Linda Sarsour, “Hijacking the feminist cause” (March 16). 

Unfortunately, that editorial did not resonate with me personally at the time. However, now that I can relate it to a specific event, I would like to see NJJN revisit her activities, as well as those of CUNY, in light of this recent development.

Max Wisotsky
Highland Park

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