Federation launches annual campaign at 2019 Funders Dinner

Federation launches annual campaign at 2019 Funders Dinner

Brian Chevlin and Stephanie Will, Funders Dinner co-chairs
Brian Chevlin and Stephanie Will, Funders Dinner co-chairs

THE JEWISH FEDERATION of Princeton Mercer Bucks will kick off its annual fund-raising campaign this month and organizers said they hope this year’s campaign will usher in a new level of commitment from community members.

The campaign begins on Nov. 16 with federation’s “Funders Dinner” at the Cobblestone Creek Country Club in Lawrenceville. The dinner’s theme is “Pittsburgh, Tree of Life One Year Later: The New Security Reality in an Age of Rising Anti-Semitism.” Doron Horowitz, senior national security adviser at Secure Community Network, is guest speaker. (The Secure Community Network is the national homeland security initiative of The Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.)

“This dinner is the kickoff for the annual campaign 2019-2020, and it is very important that we get a good start to the year and continue to build momentum,” said Stephanie Will, event co-chair with Brian Chevlin. Some 200 people are expected to attend.

“Federation is more important than ever as the needs and threats to the greater Jewish community continue to increase,” said Chevlin. He added, “Federation is trying to double its campaign in the next three years.”

Organizers decided to focus on security and anti-Semitism at this year’s dinner because of the rising incidents of anti-Semitism nationwide. The dinner comes just a few weeks after the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 27, 2018, murders of 11 Jews who were shot at Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha Congregation, and six months after the shooting death of a Jewish woman during Passover services at the Chabad of Poway in California.

“The unprecedented shooting at Tree of Life ushered in a new security reality in an age of anti-Semitism and reminded us all that things have changed and we cannot ignore this threat,” said Chevlin. “I think feeling secure in attending Jewish gatherings is on everyone’s mind today.”

Guest speaker at the 2019 Funders Dinner is Doron Horowitz, senior national security adviser at Secure Community Network.

Allocations from federation’s annual fund-raising campaign benefit local synagogues, agencies, and organizations that impact every demographic in the community, from toddlers who receive books from PJ Library to college students who enjoy free Birthright Israel trips to seniors who benefit from care at Greenwood House.

Federation provides critical assistance to local and international agencies “to preserve, secure, and strengthen Jewish life and values in our community, Israel and throughout the world,” said Chevlin.

He added, “Federation’s unique position allows it to act as a ‘curator’ for the Jewish community and identify and fund important programs that the Jewish community may be unaware of.

“The case for giving is very clear and the community will rally around it when they hear the call.”

The Funders Dinner will be held Nov. 16 at the Cobblestone Creek Country Club in Lawrenceville. Cocktails begin at 7 p.m. followed by a dairy dinner and the program at 8. Couvert is $90 per person. RSVPs required; visit jewishpmb.org/2019Funders.

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