Incredible teen

Incredible teen

I want to take a moment to thank Alexandra Jackman, an incredible teen and community leader, for her participation in a recent MetroWest Madrichim, Shadow Training Workshop. Alex joined the final session and shared her video, A Teen’s Guide to Understanding and Communicating with People with Autism, with a group of teens who are engaging as one-to-one shadows with children with special needs in inclusive settings.

Alex’s message of understanding,acceptance, and inclusion fits perfectly  with the goals of MetroWestABLE and we are proud to have her  as a member of our community. Kol hakavod to Alex! For more information on the shadow training program, Alex’s video, or other community supports for individuals with special needs, contact 973-929-3129 or

Rebecca Wanatick, MEd
Community Coordinator,
MetroWest ABLE

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