Irene Strausberg

Irene Strausberg

Irene Strausberg (Silver) of Union died Sept. 4, 2019. Born in Trenton, she lived in Irvington, Old Bridge, Carteret, and Livingston before moving to Toms River in 1989.

Mrs. Strausberg worked as a secretary for M.J. Fein & Co. in East Hanover for five years, retiring 30 years ago.

She received an associate’s degree from Rider University.

She was a volunteer at Brick Hospital for many years and enjoyed acting in shows at the Greenbrier Woodlands Community Theatre.

Predeceased by her husband, Arthur, and a daughter, Caren Castor, she is survived by her son, Jerry (Mary); a daughter, Judy (Kenneth) Nemiroff; a sister, Doris Troll; and five grandchildren.

Services were held Sept. 10 with arrangements by Ross’ Shalom Chapels, Springfield. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society.

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