Misguided pressure

Misguided pressure

This is a response to the Sept. 24 letter “‘Kosher’ Boycott” by Mr. Alan Weisbard.

According to the current and near future situation, no one Arab leader will ever sign any peace agreement with Israel unless the wider Arab and Muslim World recognize Israel’s right to exist.

We know that after Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, Egypt’s president, Anwar Sadat, was assassinated. There were 17 assassination attempts on Jordan’s King Hussein, who also signed a peace agreement with the Jewish state. Fortunately, all of them were foiled.

This explains why Yasser Arafat and Mahmud Abbas were looking for all kinds of excuses not to sign an agreement, including the settlements and the right to return for the Arab refugees and their descendants to Israel.

Any concessions Israel will make will not bring peace, and any boycott of the settlements will only harm the tens of thousands of Arabs who work in the settlements.

Girsh Sorkin

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