Program promotes neighborliness between Jews, Muslims

Program promotes neighborliness between Jews, Muslims

Natalia Mahmud and Dr. Ari Gordon
Natalia Mahmud and Dr. Ari Gordon

“WON’T YOU BE My Neighbor: Strengthening Muslim-Jewish Partnerships in Our Communities” — a discussion led by nationally recognized experts on Muslim-Jewish relations — will take place Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. at Congregation Beth El in South Orange.

Sponsored by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in New Jersey in partnership with Beth El and the National Islamic Association Masjid & Community Center in Newark, the program will focus on creating productive partnerships and strengthening bonds to promote democratic values, fight extremism, and confront bigotry.

Speakers will include Dr. Ari Gordon, AJC director of U.S. Muslim-Jewish Relations, and Natalia Mahmud, assistant director of U.S. Muslim-Jewish Relations at AJC in New York, who works on the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council. Rabbi David Levy, director of AJC New Jersey, will moderate the discussion.

“In the 21st century,” said Gordon, “Jews and Muslims must deepen our engagement, overcome mutual suspicion, and navigate political differences. Above all we must become partners in the fight against bigotry and hatred against any religious group.”

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