Real consequences

Real consequences

Now that the European Union has issued guidelines that would deny funding to anyone residing in the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, it is important to consider what the response should be, if any, of the Jewish community.

Europe’s action seeks to delegitimize  and ultimate destroy Israel. They want to redivide Jerusalem, mandate that much of historic Israel be Judenrein, and compel Israel to be limited to what Abba Eban described as “Auschwitz borders.” So far our national Jewish leaders have been largely silent.

It seems only fair that world-wide Jewry should respond in kind to the European boycott of Israel: Stop buying German cars, French wines and perfumes, Belgian chocolates, Italian leather, and anything else produced by EU countries. Cancel your European vacations and cruises. Stop sending your children for a junior year abroad in Europe. Instead visit  Israel and the USA. Buy Israeli products.

Let the 28 members of the EU and others know there are real consequences tor their economic and political assault against Israel.

Hal R. Crane

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