Roy Azarnoff
Roy S. Azarnoff, 81, of Banning, Calif., died Aug. 25, 2012. Having previously lived in Newark, he lived in California for the past 40 years, Banning for the last 10.
Mr. Azarnoff was the director of the Los Angeles Area Agency on Aging, the director of the Western Center for Clinical Studies, a professor at Boston University, and an author.
He earned his BA at New York University, his MA at Iowa University, and his PhD at the University of Missouri
He served in the U.S. Army.
He is one of the founders of OPICA, a daycare and caregiver support nonprofit in Los Angeles.
He is survived by his wife, Pat; two daughters, Julie Fonseca and Karen Pals; a brother, Daniel; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Services were held Aug. 29 with arrangements by Weaver Mortuary and Crematory, Los Angeles. Memorial contributions may be made to OPICA Adult Day Care & Caregiver Support Center, 11759 Missouri Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025.