Serving Montclair
In the article “‘New Age’ Chabad up and running in Montclair” (Nov. 27), Johanna Ginsberg notes that “Montclair has two synagogues, the Conservative Shomrei Emunah and the Reconstructionist Bnai Keshet, as well as the Montclair Jewish Workshop, a secular cooperative Jewish school. The Reform Temple Ner Tamid in neighboring Bloomfield and Temple Beth Ahm of West Essex in Verona are routinely considered part of the area’s Jewish community.”
The congregation I am proud to serve, Temple Sholom of West Essex in Cedar Grove, is also an integral part of the Montclair area’s Jewish community. Not only is Cedar Grove next door to Montclair, many of our members come from Montclair, and I am a Montclair resident myself. Temple Sholom always participates with the other Montclair and Montclair-area congregations in the annual Tikun Leil Shavuot (which we take our turn hosting) and the annual Hanukka Pop Up event held at the Hinck Building in Montclair.
This year, Temple Sholom is celebrating 60 years as part of the greater Montclair community. We look forward to many more years of being a part of this wonderful consortium of synagogues.
Rabbi Laurence W. Groffman
Temple Sholom of West Essex
Cedar Grove